Monday, April 20, 2015

Stock Reports of Pharmacy Module

Stock Reports

The Pharmacy Module is designed for independent retail and wholesale pharmacy / drug stores, retail or wholesale pharmacy chains or indoor/outpatient pharmacies in hospitals. It can be deployed as a single pharmacy module or as an interacting module with other modules like inward patient module, theatre module, laboratory module or OPD module.

An extensive collection of reports are available which streamline business operations, logistics, accounting, sales and inventory management and clinical audit. These can be used to make informed business intelligent decisions by the top level managers. All the reports can be directly printed or can be exported to Microsoft© Excel® format. If a user want any additional report, we can easily develop the new requirement to the system.

Here we lists the reports directly related to the stock of medicines or surgical items.
The user has the freedom to select one theme out of more than 20 available themes according to their preference. The look and feel of the reports also vary with the selected theme. We have attached reports from several different themes as examples.


Figure 1: Batch Stock Report

Stock Report by Batch (Figure 1) lists all the stocks of the selected department in batches which have different expiries and rates. The report can be filtered by the name or the code of an item. The sorting can be done using any other listed character like stock quantity, sale rate, purchase value, etc.


Stock Report by Expiry (Figure 2) lists all batches by the Date of Expiry between selected periods. The period can be adjusted manually or can take single click report for items expiring in three months, six months or one year. The initial order is by date of expiry in ascending order, but that order can be changed easily to order by the name, code, stock quantity or value as needed. The items can also be filtered by name or code. Comments can be added to the batch for further reference. Ex., “The supplied was informed, will collect on the 15 Jan 2015.”  The total retail sale value and the purchase value are listed at the table footer.

Figure 2 : Stock Report by Expiry


This report lists stocks by item (Figure 5). A single row in this report is a summation of one or more rows in Report by Batch. For example one row of Amoxil 100ml Syrup in this report (Figure 3) sums data in three rows in batch stock report (Figure 4).

Figure 3: Stock by Item Report Filtered with word 'amox'

Figure 4: Stock Report by Batch filtered by word 'amoxil'

Figure 5: Stock Report by Item


This lists the stocks by the product (Figure 6). For example, Amoxicillin 500mg Capsule is considered as a product. (The name given by the NHS, UK in dm+d is Virtual Medicinal Product.) There can be several items (Which are called as Actual Medicinal Products in dm+d) for a single product, like “Amoxil 500mg capsule”, “Amoxicillin (SPMC) 500mg Capsule” and “Decamox 500mg Capsule”. The sum of all the stocks of such items are listed as a single row in this report. Clicking on the name of the product directs you to a new report which list the distribution of the product (Figure 7). This report is very useful for the ordering process to take informed decisions. Most of the other competitive products are not capable of generating this report because they do not adhere to a standard data model like dm+d from NHS, UK. As this software was developed from scratch to become a medical software, we have always adhered to the world recognized medical software development principals. 

Figure 6: Stock Report by Product

Figure 7 : Click on Single Row in Stock Report by Product Brings this report


Different medicines may be supplied by different supplier. In some cases, it is needed to get a list of stocks of items which are supplied by a particular supplied. This report lists the current stocks of all items supplied by the selected supplier (Figure 8).

Figure 8 : Supplier Stock Report


This report, which is a summary of the last reports, lists the total value of the stock of items supplied by each supplier. (Figure 9). The supplier name is hyper texted so that clicking on that will lead to the distribution of stocks is listed.

Figure 9 : Supplier Stock Summery


This reports lists the stocks of the selected category. (Figure 10) Some categories, for example, include Tablets, Syrups and Drops. 

Figure 10: Category Stock Reports


This is a summary report where the stock value is calculated for each category. This gives an overview of the available stocks (Figure 11). The list can be ordered by the category or stock value.

Figure 11: Category Stock Summery


In an average pharmacy, there are more than 6000 different items. The stock of each item can vary every second. It is practically difficult to record the history of all items all the time. We record the history of all items at the end of the month automatically for future reference. In addition the user can record the history when needed at any time.
In this report (Figure 11), clicking the display available days button lists all the days where history has been recorded. After selecting the required day, click on the display history button to list the stocks on that day of all the items. 
There is a “Record History Now” button, which records the current stock of all the items.

Figure 12: Stock History Report


The above described are the reports already available to get information about the stocks. There are numerous reports related to sales, transfers, purchases and so on. In addition there are graphs to display the same data which are easier to understand from first look. The details about those are discussed elsewhere. 
In addition, if a customer wants more reports, we can develop to give the exact output they need.
If you have any comments please leave a comment or contact us.
(+94) 71 5812399

Hospital Information Management System - Pharmacy Module - Stock Reports


  1. The Pharmacy Module caters to the retail outpatient pharmacy, general outpatient pharmacy and the ward and inpatient pharmacies.
